If you haven’t donated time to a worthwhile cause lately, would you consider helping us? We are dependent on volunteers to help us prepare young lives for a fruitful lifetime of serving Christ. Below are some areas in which you can be of service through our ministry.

Please review the list of camp serving opportunities below, then fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Junior Staff: Student volunteers are an essential personnel for a summer of a lifetime! Student volunteers are trained students who invest into campers lives in as relatable leaders. We intentionally train our Junior Staff to be servant leaders — honestly, many students LIVE to be Junior Staff during the summer time because they get to experience camp like nobody else. Junior Staff are ages 14-18 years old. Students interested in serving must attend the Junior Staff Retreat to participate in required training.

Adult Staff: Like Junior Staff, Adult Staff play a vital role in making each camp experience a summer of a lifetime for the campers. During the week, Adult Staff typically connect with a small group of campers (their “family group”), lead discussions about the Bible lessons, and encourage campers by listening to them recite memorized verses. Adult Staff stay in the dorms stay in the dorms with the campers as “Dorm Moms” and “Dorm Dads.” Lastly, Adult Staff also help maintain the camp guidelines at all times. While the Adult Staff have a lot of responsibility, they get the incredible opportunity to positively impact and even change a camper’s life forever!

Kitchen Help: Volunteers are essential to helping us operate our dining hall during the summer months. If you enjoy cooking and young people, this is the position for you. The need for kitchen help during other times of the year vary depending on our camp, retreat, and event schedule.

Camp Cleanup and Maintenance Crew: This crew is comprised of handymen (or women). Folks who love to fix things will fit right into this group. We supply the tools, the projects and the fellowship! Theses team members are the real MVP’s! These members come in multiple times throughout the year to clean/build/paint… you name it… they do it to make sure the camp is prepped and ready to go for season. During the camp season, we provide the Maintenance Crew with a free meals as a THANKS for their hardworking, love, and service.

Public Relations: As the camp continues to grow and adapt to this ever changing world… we need volunteers who help us promote Cedar Creek Christian Camp at through different events off the campgrounds. Because Cedar Creek is somewhat secluded, if we do not effectively promote, the camp will not survive for long. Public Relations Volunteers share highlights of what God is doing at Cedar Creek with the community through a variety of means (church promotions, teen conventions, concerts, etc.).

Prayer Warriors: These individuals pray regularly for the ministry of Cedar Creek Christian Camp.

Please note the Cedar Creek Christian Camp Staff have the right to decline anyone’s application to serve.

Volunteer Contact Form